Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Building post

There is a huge discussion about design of The New National Library of the Czech Republic made by Future Systems, a studio of Jan Kaplicky, czech native architect living in London. This design won a competition but divided czech nation to Love-It and Hate-It halves. One say that it looks like terrible space spit being too agressive to Prague's look. The other say that it is beautiful and top modern architecture and if you did not like it you are conservative type livining back in the days.

How is my sick view? I love modern architecture and hate this design. :) I've been checking all designs made by Future Systems and it's simply not my cup of tea. There are only few of them I like - The Earth Centre, House in Wales, Naples subway and other few I find quite interesting - Hauer King House, Maserati Museum. But most of them look so artificial to me.

Btw. It is not a space spit, fools. It is Fry's meal of course. :D

In contrary of Kaplicky I love designs by Frank Gehry. This guy is an artist who makes huge sculptures in which people are living, working and having fun.

Very nice documentary by well known director who is not niether documentarist nor architect about well known guy who sculptures buildings.

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